You may think that cooking duck is complicated but this restaurant worthy recipe couldn’t be much easier. No oven required. Achieving perfectly crispy duck skin can be done through different methods depending on the dish. For pan-seared duck breast, starting in a cold pan allows the fat to render slowly.  A very slow cook on all four sides allows even heat distribution on stove top without using an oven.  The fat left in the pan can be kept and used for other recipes such as my duck fat roasted potatoes used in this dish.

The sauce is quick and easy to make. This sauce compliments the rich duck flavour with a sweet and savoury mix. The 5-spice gives it an aromatic kick, while thyme adds a touch of earthiness. Chicken stock provides a deep base, enhanced by the tang of balsamic vinegar and the umami taste of soy sauce. Crushed garlic adds depth, and honey balances everything with its natural sweetness.

This dish goes well with French green beans also in my recipes.  Links Below

Duck Fat Roasted Potatoes

Green Beans French Style