Ok, there’s no more excuse to buy this sauce. Make this sauce yourself, it really doesn’t take long (aside from cooking time and love). The difference to the bought one, is immeasurably tastier than the best supermarket sauces, if there’s such a thing!

You can cook it 10 minutes up to 3 hours, the longer the cooking process, the better, but the 10 minute version will still be superior to bought. Make a large batch freeze some ready for use.

Marinara sauce is of course an Italian sauce that originated in Naples. It can be used on so many dishes from pasta (of course), to seafood, pizza, meat, meatballs, poultry, beans, polenta, eggplant parmigiana, chicken parmigiana, mushroom parmigiana, you get the idea! 

Buy the best canned tomatoes you can find, it really makes all the difference.  Don’t buy crushed, from my experience they always seem inferior to whole, so buy whole. Add a drizzle of olive oil at the end to give that freshness taste, and leave the fresh basil leaves for the end.  Taste it for seasoning, but if you’re like me, once you start tasting, dang! it’s hard to stop!  Get that pasta cooking and enjoy many quick meals!