Easy Meals with Video Recipes by Chef Joel Mielle - RECIPE30

Gamberetto Pizza Recipe

A very simple combination pizza utilising whole prawns or shrimps with a beautiful fresh aromatic garlic pesto. Watch out for the beautiful smells emitting from this scrumptious pizza, it can

How To Build A Pizza Oven

A step by step video on how I built a home made pizza oven using a pizza oven kit. The base was the hardest part. It’s been 10 years now, and

Goat Cheese And Sweet Potato Pizza

As much as I love traditional pizzas , occasionally its good to steer away from the norm and try something different. The marriage of the goat cheese, sweet potato and

Gourmet Pizza Sauce

Use this tomato sauce on your best pizzas recipes. Pizza sauce should be kept basic, different from pasta sauces, there’s no onion, no basil etc. only the basic required ingredients.

Hand Made Pizza Dough

The pizza base is the most important part of pizza making, a great base equals a great pizza. I find that it’s easier to make on a warmer day than

Cheesy Potato Gratin

A gratin is a French culinary word meaning “Browned crust”. It’s either made using, cheese, eggs or breadcrumbs and browned under a grill/broiler until it forms a golden crust. This

Parmesan Potato Stacks

Relatively easy to make, with a crispy crunch and a soft buttery inside, these stacks will satisfy the fussiest palates.A great accompaniment to any main meal.

Gnocchi With Prosciutto And Peas Recipe

Gnocchi is Italy’s most beloved dumpling. The name actually comes from the word nocca which can mean knuckles or knot. Sweet potato as its name suggest contains quite a bit

Twice Baked Potato

Everyone loves a baked potato, add bacon and cheese and it almost becomes a religion. Let there be heat, these twice baked potatoes are easy to make, it takes a

Sweet Potato Twice Baked

Sweet potato may be one of nature’s unsurpassed sources of beta carotene and is sometimes branded as the world’s healthiest food. You can also eat the skins which are full

Potato Rosti, Soft On The Inside

Potato Rosti is a Swiss dish made with potatoes which was commonly eaten for breakfast by farmers. They also make great lunches or simply use them as a potato side

Gnocchi With Burnt Butter And Sage Recipe

There’s a million ways to cook gnocchi but the marriage of the sage and burnt butter is one you can’t go past. The term burnt butter indicates a nutty brown

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