This spaghetti Carbonara recipe is far from the authentic Italian one, and it’s not meant to be.  Cream is never to be seen anywhere near an Italian carbonara and I totally respect that.


This version however is a French/Italian fusion recipe, using cream instead of eggs.  Let’s face it, cream and pasta are a culinary marriage in heaven, add a little Parmesan cheese, some good quality ham, and voila!  Something magical happens.  Plus there’s no stress of overcooking or scrambling the eggs.


I’ve notched it up a little more French way by using Crème Fraiche, which gives it a nuttier slightly sour taste, a little garlic, shallot, and of course a dry white wine French style.  A simple delicious meal that can be made under 20 minutes.  You’re going to love it, so give it a go today. Enjoy Spaghetti Carbonara Francese!