Easy Meals with Video Recipes by Chef Joel Mielle - RECIPE30

Extra Tasty Luscious Chicken Gravy Recipe

This recipe is pretty fool proof and the flavour is as good as it gets. It’s the perfect addition to any chicken dish or any type of poultry.

Basic Chicken Stock

Chicken stock is the basis to many sauces, soups and other dishes. It’s a staple food for any kitchen and is made from chicken bones or carcasses, a few vegetables

Fresh Tomato Salsa

Salsa means sauce in Spanish and is normally quite piquant (hot). This version uses cut vegetables rather than crushed or blended for that extra texture and freshness.

Aioli Garlic Sauce

The name means “Garlic Oil”. It can be used on grilled meats, grilled or boiled vegetables, seafood and much more. It’s also great on raw tomatoes and boiled potatoes. It

Basic Vegetable Stock

Make a Vegetable Stock with as many vegetables as you have lying around. Vege stocks are the best way to avoid throwing away old vegetables or trimmings. This version is

Easy Tartar Sauce

A mayonnaise based sauce that’s been around since the 19th century. It has a pleasing rough texture and used as a condiment usually with fried foods, seafood or BBQ grills.

Ginger And Lemongrass Sauce

This easy to make sauce can be made in advance, simply add to your seafood or meats stirfries. It’s packed with flavour and stores well in the fridge. Handy when

Tomato Sauce With Extra Zing Recipe

You can’t beat a good Italian sauce, it has so many desirable applications in the kitchen. This one has extra zing, not quite authentic but you will love the flavour.

Basil Aioli Sauce

Basil aioli has to be made with fresh basil. It’s great on fried fish, poached salmon, boiled vegetables etc. Basically anything boiled or poached.

Home Made Rendang Curry Sauce

Indonesian food at its best with its intense and complex taste. Rendang is one of those recipes that’s enjoyed in Indonesia by the rich and the poor alike, even the

Salsa Verde

This is the sauce that everyone should know how to make, it’s so easy and it enhances the flavour of grilled meats, great on poached or steamed fish seafood and

Eggplant Rollatini

Also known as “Involtini” which was originally made using pounded veal slices instead of the eggplant. This vegetarian version was used for the no meat days and makes a great

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