There’s a million uses for peeled tomatoes, from soups, sauces to salads.
There’s a million uses for peeled tomatoes, from soups, sauces to salads.
Fill up your saucepan or pot with water, deep enough for the tomatoes to be submerged.
Place on stove and bring to the boil.
In a mixing bowl, add enough water to submerged the tomatoes.
Add a tray of ice to your water.
With a paring knife, holding the blade at the very tip, remove the core from each tomato.
Turn tomato upside down and with paring knife, holding blade at the tip, cut two small shallow incisions cross shape.
Place your tomatoes in the boiling water for 25 seconds.
Remove tomatoes one at a time from boiling water and place directly in icewater.
Using paring knife, hold the tomato cross up in one hand and peel back the skin.
Squashy or very ripe tomatoes may require less boiling time.
To remove seeds, cut tomato in half and use teaspoon to scoop out.
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