Recipe30 collects a variety of information when you visit our website through Google analytic.

The information we collect lets us:

improve the performance of our website
save you from having to re-enter details the next time you shop online
protect against fraud or theft
provide advertising that can be of interest or benefit to you.
Most information collected when you visit our website is statistical and not linked to you personally. This can include information about pages visited, software versions used, device identifiers (like IP address), referring websites, and other activities such as links clicked. This enables us to understand and improve the performance of our website.

We use “cookies” to collect some of this information (a cookie is a piece of information that allows us to identify and interact more effectively with your browser or device). Cookies also assist us in maintaining the continuity of your experience (e.g. keeping items in your shopping cart) and remembering your details and preferences when you return. You can configure your web browser to reject and delete cookies.

We only collect personal information when necessary – such as when you register your details, place an order or give us feedback. We comply with Australian privacy legislation and we always handle your personal information securely and with care.

To opt opt out, visit Google Analytics’ currently available opt-outs for the web.